Opus Project/ 7th Week Prompts
During the early Renaissance the Landscaping was still not taken in consideration. But later on, the idea of using landscape developed an important role in buildings. Roth says, ”This new awareness and appreciation of the natural landscape was one of the important contributions of the Renaissance” (Roth 356). Landscape was also made to show of the wealth of the owners of the residence. But landscaping is a process that takes time and dedication. To desing a garden on has to take into consideration several amounts of things. For example, what type of plants, what kind of color, how much water, which flowers are the prettiest ones, most expensive, etc. The process of designing a garden is also not something that has an immediate result. So in order to see the desing of the landscape in full completion one must wait a period of time. The process of landscaping is complex and delicate one. That is why, landscaping, is also used to show off wealth and not only beauty.
In my Photography class “process” is also a common word used often when developing a film. To develop a film one has to go through different process to obtain a picture over a piece of paper. One of them is to process the film in different types of chemicals called: film developer, stop bath, fixer, fixer remover, and wetting agent. These five chemicals are the ones that will give you the chance to develop a picture. If one does not do this process well the picture might show up. These chemicals are crucial when it comes to developing a film.

Vitruvius was a roman Architect who wrote the “Ten book of Architecture” which was considered the bible for the new generation. Vitruvius’s ideas derived from the ideal geometric forms discussed by Plato. From Plato, Vitruvius became with an idea of symmetry and proportion using the human body as a base. Roth says, “ideal system of proportions, he observed, can be found in the perfect proportions of the human body” (Roth 358). Therefore this game a different perspective to many people when it came to build something in proportion. This new development of considering proportions gave a new perspective to every structure.
Perspective is a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships. In my class of Desing Perspective we have been talking about how “ levels of scales” can give life to things. Christopher Alexander says, “Levels of scale among functional centers affect the practical behavior of the building, and make it more capable of supporting life.” (Alexander 150). Therefore the ability to create different levels of scales can give a unique perspective to the building. A structure that has only one level of scale it is more likely to have less life than the one that has more levels.

Vitruvius is an example of a professional in the aspect of Architecture. He is the author of the book “De Architecture” today known as the “Ten Books on Architecture”. For many, Vitruvius was considered the first Roman Architect. Vitruvius introduced the idea of symmetry, proportions through the human body. He proved that by using the square and the circle and incorporating it to the human body one could find the proportion over things. Vitruvius idea of proportion was later drawn and titled the Vitruvius man, which was drawn by another professional called Leonardo da Vinci.
Also in my English class I remember reading a book by C. S Lewis. As Vitruvius is a professional in the world of architecture, C. S. Lewis was a professional in the world of literature. He was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. Lewis wrote about thirty books, among them, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters. His fictional literature, analytical essays and children’s literature was how he became to have a big audience. Graduated in Oxford with his friend J. R. R. Tolkien, he became the most influential writer in literature history.
In Florence a new way of building was emerging, a new standard of urban residential desing. This new desing on the villas was mostly promoted by merchants and people with money and power. Roth says, “ In most of the palazzi and villas, the architects confidently devised a blend of ancient Roman architectural themes with local tradition” (Roth 376) But this mix happened to be in the façade of the buildings. The periphery normally consisted in one same type of façade, but it later devolved differently with different shades, sizes, and columns in every side of a façade.
Also in my Desing Perspective class we have been talking about “boundaries”. Periphery is known as a external boundary of any surface or area. We talked in class that every living center is often formed by boundaries. Christopher Alexander believes that there are two purposes of the boundary that surrounds a center. The first purpose is to focus attention on the center and this helps to reproduce the center. Second, it unites the center, which is being bounded with the world beyond the boundary. These two purposes are the ones that give the “boundaries” meaning.

In my Photography class we have to come up with a portfolio at the end of the semester. What this means is that during the semester we have been developing pictures and collecting them throughout time. The goal is to get the best works and put them together and later turn them in. The portfolio is a small history of whatever you have been doing according to a period of time. A portfolio shows the time and work someone has put into. For many people a journal could be considered a portfolio or a book of literature could also be considered a portfolio. In the case of Plato, he wrote a book called “The Last Days of Socrates” that told the story of a brilliant man who was executed because of his personals ideas and believes. If it weren’t for Plato we would have not known who Socrates was. A portfolio is a short story or narrative of your own work, effort and appreciation.

Perspective is a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships. In my class of Desing Perspective we have been talking about how “ levels of scales” can give life to things. Christopher Alexander says, “Levels of scale among functional centers affect the practical behavior of the building, and make it more capable of supporting life.” (Alexander 150). Therefore the ability to create different levels of scales can give a unique perspective to the building. A structure that has only one level of scale it is more likely to have less life than the one that has more levels.
Vitruvius is an example of a professional in the aspect of Architecture. He is the author of the book “De Architecture” today known as the “Ten Books on Architecture”. For many, Vitruvius was considered the first Roman Architect. Vitruvius introduced the idea of symmetry, proportions through the human body. He proved that by using the square and the circle and incorporating it to the human body one could find the proportion over things. Vitruvius idea of proportion was later drawn and titled the Vitruvius man, which was drawn by another professional called Leonardo da Vinci.
Also in my English class I remember reading a book by C. S Lewis. As Vitruvius is a professional in the world of architecture, C. S. Lewis was a professional in the world of literature. He was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. Lewis wrote about thirty books, among them, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters. His fictional literature, analytical essays and children’s literature was how he became to have a big audience. Graduated in Oxford with his friend J. R. R. Tolkien, he became the most influential writer in literature history.
In Florence a new way of building was emerging, a new standard of urban residential desing. This new desing on the villas was mostly promoted by merchants and people with money and power. Roth says, “ In most of the palazzi and villas, the architects confidently devised a blend of ancient Roman architectural themes with local tradition” (Roth 376) But this mix happened to be in the façade of the buildings. The periphery normally consisted in one same type of façade, but it later devolved differently with different shades, sizes, and columns in every side of a façade.
Also in my Desing Perspective class we have been talking about “boundaries”. Periphery is known as a external boundary of any surface or area. We talked in class that every living center is often formed by boundaries. Christopher Alexander believes that there are two purposes of the boundary that surrounds a center. The first purpose is to focus attention on the center and this helps to reproduce the center. Second, it unites the center, which is being bounded with the world beyond the boundary. These two purposes are the ones that give the “boundaries” meaning.
In my Photography class we have to come up with a portfolio at the end of the semester. What this means is that during the semester we have been developing pictures and collecting them throughout time. The goal is to get the best works and put them together and later turn them in. The portfolio is a small history of whatever you have been doing according to a period of time. A portfolio shows the time and work someone has put into. For many people a journal could be considered a portfolio or a book of literature could also be considered a portfolio. In the case of Plato, he wrote a book called “The Last Days of Socrates” that told the story of a brilliant man who was executed because of his personals ideas and believes. If it weren’t for Plato we would have not known who Socrates was. A portfolio is a short story or narrative of your own work, effort and appreciation.
After reflecting over every prompt of this 7th week I have come to realize the evolution of the world in every aspect. The architectural movement as well as the literature and the photography movement. They are all simultaneously working out to become an influence in the world. I believe that throughout the class we have encountered every step of history and understand it more in depth. And as a result one realizes that history is built by little pieces of small changes that are reflected later on in any professional field.
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